Friday, March 21, 2014

About Last Night

I'm going to go ahead and confess that when it comes to bedtime, I really funked it up as a mom when my two were babies. I really enjoyed loving on my sweet boys so I rocked them to sleep when they napped and for bedtime. Sometimes I even held them for an hour or so after they slept because I too had fallen asleep, or Daniel and I were watching a show or movie so we just stayed like that.
OH. OH, how I see the error in my ways! I really wouldn't give that sweet time holding my babies back for anything, but I probably should. I should give it back so that they (Andrew) will go to sleep on his own and not call for anyone to sleep with him in the middle of the night. We JUST (a couple weeks ago) quit having to lay down with Eli to get him to sleep… But really, it wasn't that big of a deal because, unlike his brother, he literally falls asleep the moment his head hits the pillow. Andrew, this kid tosses and turns for 30-45 minutes until he just wears himself out. Then, I leave. I go to my bed and somewhere between 11:45 and 1 am he yells,
 "Mommy!                       MO-mmy!?                    MOM-myyy!                 MOMMMMMMMAAAAYYYYY!?!?!?"
I go in, lay down and he is back asleep. But so am I. Sometimes I don't even remember going in there. I wake up confused and not sure where I am or how much I drank…
Oh… yea.  Not a wild night in that sense.
I have tried cutting out his nap thinking it would make his night sleep more productive but it only make things worse. He is great at falling asleep at nap time. We lay down, he says he isn't tired and then falls asleep just 2 minutes later. We cut out a lot of screen time. I have cut down on his sugar. We do relaxing things after dinner and try not to get too riled up.The other day we were outside after nap time and I know that kid ran a mile around our neighborhood, he jumped on the trampoline and chased Duke around the yard. 
I'm giving him 18 more months. Then he's on his own. I don't really know how Eli would have done if we had quit trying to lay with him at this age so I guess we will just push through.
Last night I fell asleep in his bed while trying to get him to sleep. I got up at 12:45 to brush my teeth and get into my bed. While I was brushing, he started yelling. He continued to talk in his sleep until we got up at 6:45 am. He wanted specific toys that Eli was apparently taking from him. He wanted a peanut butter spoon. He wanted to go to the park. It. Just. Didn't. Stop. 
I was wide awake until at least the last time I looked at my watch-3:30.
I had a million thoughts running  through my head so I typed them on my phone's memo pad. Glad I did because I don't even remember what they were now. At least I have a few blog topics due to being awake for such a miserably long time early this morning! I have a lot of friends who are recently becoming moms. They're all smarter than me to begin with so I am sure they're laying their babies down once they even begin to look tired. I'm not going to tell them to read this, but if they do…I hope they heed my warning and buy some earplugs and let those kids
I'm going to drink a Spark and start feeling better!

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