Thursday, January 2, 2014

New blog!

I had become so discouraged with my lacking of blogging on "across the lake" I decided to start fresh with this (already) second day 2014 with a whole new blog. 
It seems appropriate though since we are now back on the western side of the Atlantic ocean. It is so hard to believe we have been back for 7 months now.  I am going to try and recap as efficiently as I can. 
  • We bought a house. This makes me so unbelievably sick/nervous I can hardly stand it. We always said it was crazy to buy knowing that we will be moving in as little as 2 years. But, I LOVE, love, LOVE our little house. I wish I could take it with me everywhere we move. And it's so awesome being able to paint, stain, and add whatever we want without asking a landlord. 
  • My babies have grown into real little boys. Eli knows his ABCs, how to write and identify them, he's got a good grasp on telling time (the hour anyway), he can ride a bike, and he's VERY good at playing pranks on people. Andrew can say his ABCs up to "O" if no one is paying him attention, count to 10 (also if no one is listening), he got rid of his pacifier, and he is doing a pretty good job potty training. They fight constantly. Whatever Eli says he wants to do/be, Andrew does as well.
  • We adopted a puppy back in July. While a my parents, I forgot to put him up and he was run over. We told the boys he found a new home with little kids who really wanted a puppy and are taking good care of him. I just wasn't ready for all the death questions. However, Eli reminds me that his Papa is going to beat up the people that took his puppy. I am not sure if I made the right decision in what I told him. For Christmas my parents got the boys a Border Collie. He's smart, thank God.
Well, it seems these 3 bullets are all I've got. I am making it my goal, or whatever, to update less on social media and blog more. It's just always easier to click a pic and post whatever is going on at the moment, but then I've got nothing to talk about on here once I do that!
I feel like 2014 is going to be an awesome year, my stomach is in knots (good ones) for some of the things we are working towards this year! I'm tempted to post about them now…but I will wait :)
I hope you all had a wonderful 2013 and that 2014 brings you much happiness!